Create Your Best Year Ever.

Gain clarity and focus on your goals with the Lean List goal-setting system.

  • The Lean List is a simple 3 category goal setting method that helps you prioritize what matters most to you.

  • With the Lean List, it's easy to see how each goal impacts the other so that you can work towards them all at once or in sequence, depending on your preference.

  • The simplest goal-setting method, with a clear connection between short- and long-term goals.

Course curriculum

    1. Intro to SMART Goals

    2. The Power of Specificity and Positive Language in Goal-Setting

    3. Measurable Goals and the Power of Daily Tasks

    4. Actionable Goals and the Power of Personal Responsibility

    5. Relevance: Aligning Goals with Your Vision

    6. Time-Bound: Setting Deadlines for Success

    1. Defining Goals: The Starting Point

    2. Red Tier: Defining Your Identity and Purpose

    3. Yellow Tier: SMART Goals and Stepping Stones

    4. Green Tier: Building Habits for Progress

    1. Introduction

    2. The Path is the Path

    3. Think Small

    4. Build Momentum

    5. Form Habits and Routines

    6. Harnessing the Power of Anti-Habits: Avoiding Pitfalls, Embracing Growth

    1. Introduction

    2. Perception Management

    3. Cultivate discipline through repetition

    4. Embrace the suck

    5. Organize your life to drive action

    1. Testimonial Request

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Stop trying to juggle everything at once

The Lean List is the simplest way to break your goals down into manageable steps and ensure you're always making progress.